for Gay Professionals

Brown Bear’s Mission is to help you become the most well-adjusted, self-loving and effective version of yourself.

Everything about you is welcome here.

Meet Ed

Why Coaching?

  • You want action and results, not just talk.
  • You’re ready and willing to share, explore, learn, adapt and change.
  • You understand that only you can make change in your life, and a little
    help can go a long way.
  • You want quick access to powerful self improvement techniques.
  • You’re healthy and functional – but not your best self yet.
  • Personal and professional life success is important to you.

What do you Get?

  • You are seen and heard. You are welcomed in, it is confidential, you’re safe.
  • Concepts, techniques and activities that are uniquely for you and your situation.
  • Insight into yourself – conscious and unconscious.
  • The chance to address everything you’ve been avoiding all this time.
  • Overcome self-defeating behaviour.
  • Support and encouragement as you walk your path forward, one step at a time, to make your lasting change a reality.

Client’s Coaching Journeys

Denton D
Denton D
Working with Ed has been life changing. Ed has helped me to until a sense of self worth and self confidence that I never thought was possible. I now walk through the world authentically and unapologetically me. I cannot thank Ed and Brown Bear Coaching enough.
Ryan E
Ryan E
My time working with Ed was phenomenal. It changed my life. I consider it a major turning point in my life. I am so glad I did. I cannot recommend Ed and Brown Bear Coaching enough. Before starting with Ed, I might have appeared happy but I knew it just a veneer. I armored myself with education, a career, and other achievements. I did these things to convince others (but mainly myself) that I was a good, valuable person. I knew it but I didn’t believe it though. I was running. I was filling every non-working minute of my day with activities, tv shows, and podcasts (often at the same time) so I never had a moment to analyze this self-loathing many of us gays get forced on us. I could sometimes see the self-hatred out of the corner of my eye in the blur of all these time-fillers and all I could do was run. I’d been running for years though and was becoming exhausted. I knew I didn't have much more energy left and that self-hatred was going to crash into me very soon. Then enters Ed! I felt like a battered ship that was so bad off it had to be dry-docked and Ed was the warm, smiling, and competent captain of the reconstruction crew. Ed is gentle, caring, and so very smart. He knows the ins and outs of the mind so well. He also knows so much of the gay experience and blends this seamlessly with his coaching. He gets it. He just gets it. After working with Ed, I am at such peace. Among many things, he helped me break some destructive thought patterns I was not aware I had. I genuinely like myself now. I am not running anymore. I am just walking and enjoying life. I am actually happy. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever feel this way in life but I’d hoped to. This has been lasting, too. I was worried I’d feel this way for a few days and return to old patterns. No, this has been months now. I am so grateful to Ed for making Brown Bear Coaching. I am just one client, one little starfish, but it has meant the world to me. Thanks for helping this little starfish back into the water, Ed.
Will Hunt
Will Hunt
I found Ed to be friendly, approachable and had great sense of humour. I enjoyed working with him - it was distinctly different to a session with a psychologist, and tackled (and shifted) blockers in my life that I had been unable to resolve previously. I'm a bit of a cynic, and normally roll my eyes at pseudo spiritual 'manifesting your goals' stuff, and this was very much NOT THAT. So if you have have a brain in your head, but you're not as happy/resolved generally as you feel you could be, I'd definitely recommend. Thanks Ed!
Bradley Harding
Bradley Harding
What do I say…? Ed was a perfection in timing for me..! As a gay man there are many situations we experience and keep the blame as to we are the cause. When it’s us that need to know we are not.. it’s the experience we have, but is it true.. Ed helped me to see the truth in that.. open my self to question and see what is the truth.. As an older man, Ed help to see my self and always question and to not make it bigger than what it is.. To see the simplicity and not the complexity.. I thank Ed, for making me feel comfortable, safe and heard.. what a powerful thing to express and experience.. I am thankful for Ed and the experience.. He helped in ways I am still seeing. An amazing person and experience.. Grateful..!
Nick Dowse
Nick Dowse
I am so glad I took the plunge to receive coaching from Ed. I am a naturally sceptical person so initially I was iffy on whether the coaching process would produce any real-world results for me. After my first interaction with Ed, I knew I was in safe hands and all that scepticism melted away. At first, I didn't even know what coaching entailed but Ed took the time to explain everything and make sure I understood how we'd be working together over the next little while. The sessions themselves were enlightening, encouraging me to tap into my instincts and help silence the negative self-talk that often clouds our judgment. The guidance on dropping judgement, both towards others and myself, has been life-changing. It's incredible how much lighter and more open life feels without these burdens. The sessions are also experiential - it's genuinely really cool. I feel I understand myself, my mind and my situation much better now and I attribute much of my ability to work towards contentment, purpose and fulfilment to the tools Ed gave me. In the end, it's very simple but it really helps to have an experienced coach to show you the way. Ed is the kind of guy you end up wanting to emulate in your own life. I have no hesitation recommending Ed and encourage you to take the plunge - you won't regret it. Thank you very much, Ed.
Charlie Hartley
Charlie Hartley
I'm incredibly grateful for Ed and Brown Bear Coaching. Reflecting on my coaching journey, it has been instrumental in helping me peel back the layers I've built over the years and uncover the hidden shame I was carrying (something I wasn't consciously aware of). While my journey as a gay man hasn't been overly troublesome, I found my thoughts were keeping me in constant fear from judgement from others, leading to consistent self-judgement. Ed's guidance provided a safe space for me to explore these feelings, breaking down the barriers I had created within myself. His patient and non-judgmental approach allowed me to transform these emotions into self-acceptance, extending beyond that to embrace the present moment fully. The most eye-opening revelation was that I'm only truly living right here, right now. Anything my mind tells me is either a memory from the past or a prediction of the future, but the reality is that all I have is this very moment (something that sounds obvious and simple but once I really took the time to believe & understand this it really changed my thought process). This coaching journey has profoundly changed my life, enabling me to control shame and self-judgement. If you're seeking a personal coach who not only helps you understand yourself but also empowers you to release those ingrained thought patterns and embrace the present (in a super patient and understanding way), I highly recommend exploring Brown Bear Coaching. 🧸
Guy Adams
Guy Adams
Coaching has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding experience for me. Learning to take a step back, find a 'ground' and see through the woods of chattering negativity/expectations to reveal a much calmer and satisfying path. Ed uses various techniques and strategies that don't give you the answers, but empowers you to look at your truth, your experience and your desires. I've seen huge increases in self confidence, allowing me to break down my self erected barriers, forge genuine connections, and recognise my own value in life. It's been life changing, and I've not been the only one to notice! Thank you Ed :)
AJ Lane
AJ Lane
Not so long ago, I identified with and believed every word the voice in my head said, this voice told me I was ugly, fat, old, unlovable and worthless. I was in a state of constant mental suffering and believed I was broken. I’d done enough therapy to understand why I thought these things, and I blamed a lot of other people for it. I had never found a way to manage these thoughts or change my behaviours. I started listening to a podcast, which introduced me to coaching and thought work. Who should then pop up in my Instagram feed? Brown Bear Coaching! I couldn't believe it, a coach just for gay guys… When I first started working with Ed, I knew I was at a point where I wanted to change my thoughts, but I also secretly just wanted him to fix me. In the early days of coaching, Ed asked me a question, “Do you love and accept everything that has happened in your life?”. The voice in my head raged “NO!! This is a waste of time”. But of course, that's not how I answered the question in the moment. I had so much shame, I’d lost so much, and I felt alone. I thought on that question for a long time after the coaching session while at the same time reading one of the books that Ed had recommended when I came across this quote, “Accept whatever comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny, for what could more aptly suit your needs”. I've now come to realise the profound truth of this message. I believe I needed to experience this suffering in order to get to the point of being able to accept my life in its entirety so that I could then make a choice. A choice to do things differently. Accepting and loving my past and everything and everyone I have experienced has been a journey. So has accepting and loving myself. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship in your life, I found a way to validate and love myself. It took time and now I find I am no longer fighting and resisting what is. I'm at peace and I’m living my life without shame, comparison and validation seeking. Most importantly for me I'm no longer wishing that my past was different. That voice in my head is still there but he's a lot more friendly and while there are still things in my life that I wish were different, I’m now just a bit excited to get out there and experience it. If you're someone who is thinking about taking on a coach and giving it a go, I would really encourage you to just do it. I think it's important to note that Ed didn't fix me, however he did help me realise I wasn't broken and at the end of the day, we're all just human and we're all just living our own unique human experience. We're going to have all of the emotions that come with all of the experiences and that's OK. I saw coaching as an opportunity to make an investment in myself and my future and I'm really glad I did, because guess what? I’m worth it!
Matt Dunstan
Matt Dunstan
Before I met Ed I figured that my particular combination of challenges and self doubt meant that nobody would ever understand. Not only did Ed understand, he helped me to see these thoughts and feelings were normal, human, and OK. Ed helped me with strategies that mean I spend less time worrying and more time just being me. My “aha” moment came when I realised that I was responsible for myself and my emotions first. Ed helped me to let go of the things that I couldn’t control and I am able to be more deliberate with my energy. I really enjoyed working with Ed as he wasn’t afraid to call me out on my BS, and we were able to swear, joke and laugh with each other at the same time as dealing with the serious stuff. I would highly recommend Ed’s service to anyone who feels stuck in their head and needs help getting out.
Charles xnaur
Charles xnaur
I have started working with Edward of Brown Bear Coaching in January 2023. The timing was perfect and I felt very lucky to have found Ed. From the first session we had, it just clicked. The fact that I was a gay man talking to another gay man helped a lot. But also through the session iv discover how kind, patient and funny Edward was. Don't get me wrong our session were still very intense. Iv compared it to running a marathon ! But the results were so positive. Edward helped me heal physically ! I had a physical healing reaction trough our session. My inner dialogue changed drastically from very negative, to positive. My life is starting to changed drastically. I am being my authentic self and just having a blast. I am getting married next year and I have so many projects it's crazy. If your thinking of working with Ed, just do it ! You won't regret it !

Embracing your authentic self leads to lasting self-transformation

It might feel scary at first, but there’s no better path for you. Back yourself. You’re worth it. I’ll be there to be your sounding board and support your sincere efforts.

Creating your ideal life starts with finding the truth of what you love

A strong connection to self, first, is the gateway to the answers to your big ticket questions. What work is right for you, what you need in a partner, what cause you want to devote your precious time and effort to.